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The Love Me programme provides all the essential elements for nurturing your mental, physical and emotional health. It’s wonderful and incredibly easy to follow with results that make a real difference..."


– Chrissie Wellington OBE, four times Ironman triathlon World Champion and Global Head of Health and Wellbeing, parkrun


women have completed the programme to date – The impact and feedback has been wonderful.

The Bingham Riverhouse has kindly sponsored a special celebration


Significantly enhanced wellbeing.* 

Reduced stress, anxiety & improved resilience**​

*Using the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale, the average participant score moved from 44 to 53, an increase of 9 points. For this measure, any increase greater than 3 is deemed very good. **Measured using the Perceived Stress Scale, reduced for all participants from an average of 9 to 6.43 points. Using the Brief Resilience Scale, resilience improved from 13 to 15 points. 

This programme helped me to cope with a stressful period in my life and I feel without it I could have had a breakdown."




Thank you for helping me find a new me that is enthusiastic about life."


– Maria

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The beautifully illustrated children's stories combine mindfulness-based wellness strategies with the value of being connected to nature in a way that can benefit us all."


– Dr Charlotte Hilton, Chartered Psychologist 

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Everyone is so kind and inclusive. I have relaxed, my anxiety has reduced and I've felt so much happier. I can not tell you how much I’ve appreciated this programme."


– Participant

The thoughtfulness and care that has gone into this programme radiates out of every message, video and activity, filling your world with love and care. There is so much hope in one little programme!"


– Participant

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This programme is a beautiful collection of uplifting and inspiring activities and messages. The energy and encouragement Susie offers is so timely and much needed!"


– Mara Yamauchi, Olympian

This is a programme is utterly inspirational and for life."


– Participant

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The Love Me programme covers the physical and mental things to really help live a full and joyous life. It's made my life brighter than it could have been. Thank you!"


– Participant

I approached this with inquisitive thinking... I'll give it a try...It's been a fantastic journey!"


– Participant

This programme offers something that I would have loved to have found when I was searching for help during the months after my first cancer operation – A voice that is warm and loving, and l got the feeling of a friend holding my hand and gently guiding me in the darkness of that time."


– Jess

This programme has made me feel so loved and cared for."


– Laura 

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Can this be a 52 weeks of the year programme?!"


– Catherine

Often I’ve struggled to quieten my mind. I let the self doubt in and I questioned who I am. For the last 4 weeks I’ve been following the '7 Simple Steps’ and it’s been absolutely brilliant. Through simple daily tasks, be that breathing deeply, realising the joy, or accepting that there are things I cannot change, there has been an opportunity to reflect and prioritise what is really important in life. It’s helped me to feel calmer and stronger, and more empowered. I’d urge anyone to sign-up! ."


– Abi

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